Izabella made the trip over to see me from Ottawa the other day and had her tongue fixed! Welcome to the lizard / snake army, friend! :)-<
I’m currently taking last minute bookings in Ontario until this Wednesday, then starting my next Canadian tour on Thursday from ON to BC and back.
I have limited appt slots left available for all types of advanced body modifications & precision piercing work in and near Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary, Kelowna, Vernon & Vancouver.
Email russ@russfoxx.com & lock your booking in before my availability runs out! This is my second last tour for 2021 leaving one final opportunity to catch me across Canada in October before hunkering down in Barrie with my team at Ninja Cyborg until April 2022. My number 1 sidekick and piercing ninja Amber Sunset will be covering my piercing shifts in Barrie while I’m on the road, so go put her to work & take advantage of her first Ontario guest spot to make her feel welcome! Tomorrow we’ll be announcing a big piercing and gold jewellery sale at Ninja Cyborg for the month of September during her visit!
I’ll have lots of high-end body jewellery in stock and a limited number of signed DVD’s for the epic documentary I produced: The People Who Suspend; filmed in 11 countries by Lukas K Larson & featuring his journey to Russia to experience a freefall suspension with Stanislav & the SINNER team [Moscow suspension crew].
Time waits for noone. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy the ride.
RussFoxx #bodymodification #bodymod #bodymods #suspension #thepeoplewhosuspend #lukaslarson #thesinnerteam #freefallsuspension #2021canadiancyborgtour #tonguesplitting #tonguesplit #splittongue #snakearmy #lizardarmy #tonguebifurcation #TwoTonguesAreBetterThanOne #bme #bmezine