Each and every type of body modification will have their own individual and specific aftercare instructions. Please contact me for thorough in-depth aftercare instructions pertaining to the modification(s) you are inquiring about or have recently received.
If you have forgotten the instructions given for any already performed body modification work done by me, contact me immediately to seek guidance. If you had work done by another artist and still need advice or guidance for any reason, I’m also more than happy to help you out. Never assume how to handle a situation on your own, as often what may seem like a logical approach to a problem may very well be detrimental to your healing. Wound care comes in many forms and all require tailored instructions for best healing results and to avoid complications. Differing lifestyles, geographical environments, genetic backgrounds and a wide range of other factors can vary from person to person and require individual attention for best results.
If you are on any medications (prescribed or not) or have any medical conditions, they may carry potential to have adverse effects on your healing or ability to safely undergo a modification procedure. Some medical conditions may also put your artist at risk. If you are a frequent alcohol or drug user or smoker, the same applies. Always let your artist know in advance if any of these cases apply to you. All information will be kept private and confidential and there will be no judgement from me in any case.
I highly recommend against following guidance found online or given by non-professionals or individuals that have had work done, as important details may get lost in translation or poor advice with good intentions may be found that can seriously put you at risk. Always contact your artist first immediately and seek medical assistance in the event of an emergency when your artist can’t be reached in a timely manner.