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Author page: Russ Foxx

Cyborg Profile: Jesika Foxx

Cyborg Profile: Jesika Foxx

Jesika wears many hats. She is an amazing up-and-coming cosmetic tattoo artist (Cellar Door Cosmetic Tattoo), body modification assistant (, animal rights supporter and among other things; an overall wonderful human being. From Canadian tours & professional conferences to daily body modification work in Vancouver, you’ll always find her by my side; learning and venturing forward.

She has stuck by and supported me through so much, including my decisions to relinquish my intake of nicotine & alcohol as well as taking on a completely plant-based diet. Hacking our bodies can be arduous; but through the best times and difficult, she is always by my side. I couldn’t ask for a better friend, wife and partner in life.

Jesika also has an NFC tag implanted in her hand to allow her the ability to never lose her house keys again.

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Cyborg Profile: Trevor Goodman

Cyborg Profile: Trevor Goodman

Trevor Goodman is an ‘old school cyberpunk,’ and brings a combination of giddy bodyhacking fandom, and a general background in community building, performance, psychology, philosophy and religion, and over a decade in event management to bear as the Director of Bdyhax. Specifically, they’re interested in how our brains interact with the rest of our body and with how we as individuals engage with our greater human social environment. As a cyborg and bodyhacker, they’re most interested in yoga, nootropics, aesthetic body modification, and sensory augmentation. Trevor also uses a smartphone to enhance their memory and communication abilities.

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Cyborg Profile: Tim Cannon

Cyborg Profile: Tim Cannon

Tim Cannon is an American software developer, entrepreneur, and biohacker based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is best known as CIO of Grindhouse Wetware, a biotechnology startup company that creates technology to augment human capabilities. Grindhouse was co-founded by Cannon and Shawn Sarver in 2012.

Cannon has had a variety of body modification implants, including an RFID tag in his hand and magnetic implants in a finger, wrist, and tragus.

In October 2013, Cannon became the first person to be implanted with the Grindhouse-designed biometric sensor known as Circadia; which sent Cannon’s temperature to his phone, was powered wirelessly through inductive charging, and mimicked bioluminescence with subdermal LEDs. Cannon is currently working to design an improved, consumer-friendly version of his Circadia implant that measures additional biometrics such as blood glucose, blood oxygen, blood pressure, and heart rate data.

In November 2015, Tim had a prototype of Grindhouse’s Northstar device implanted into his right forearm during a procedure at the “Cyborg Fair” in Düsseldorf, Germany. A little larger than a coin, Northstar contained five LED lights, creating a bioluminescent effect when touched with a magnet.

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Cyborg Profile: James Newman

Cyborg Profile: James Newman

James currently has 5 implants: the nxt, the flexnt, an rifd, a green firefly, and a magnet; all implanted in his hands. He originally found interest in the biohacking/grinding/cyborg community after sustaining an eye injury on a fishing trip in Alaska. While seeking treatment he asked the doctor: “Do you have the Terminator eye ready yet? If so let’s, scoop this thing out and throw that in.” This was in jest to deal with pain and the shock of possibly losing the eye. This lead to “Why not?” And “What do we have?” He came online (totally stealing Tim Cannon’s line) shortly after he discovered the nxt.

#RussFoxx #JamesNewman #Bdyhax #bdyhax2018 #bodyhackingcon #transhumanism #transhuman #cyborg #bodyhacking #technology #tech #jointhefuture #bodyhack #futurism #biohacking #biotechnology #nxt #flexnt #rfid #fireflyv1 #magneticvision #grinder

Cyborg Profile: AJ Butt

Cyborg Profile: AJ Butt

A.J. Butt is a chipped cyborg, body art and enhancement supporter, and general nerd that would not let his dream of a cyberpunk future die. He uses his fuel reserves of caffeine and whiskey to work as part of the Bdyhax team and also coordinates the Austin-based hacker conference ISSW (@infosecconf). You can find him lurking around Twitter as @p17ch8l4ck. He’s always up to talk nerd culture, gaming, infosec, and cutting edge tech.

#RussFoxx #ajbutt #Bdyhax #bdyhax2018 #bodyhackingcon #transhumanism #transhuman #cyborg #bodyhacking #technology #tech #jointhefuture #bodyhack #futurism #biohacking #biotechnology #bodyart #enhancement #issw #infosec #hacker

BBC – Bodyhackers: Bold, inspiring and terrifying

David Lee from the BBC interviewed Jesika & I at BDYHAX2018 over the weekend, as well as a few other prominent body hackers from around the world!

Click the image below to see the video and full article.

#RussFoxx #bbc #Bdyhax #bdyhax2018 #bodyhackingcon #transhumanism #transhuman #cyborg #bodyhacking #technology #tech #jointhefuture #bodyhack #futurism #biohacking #biotechnology #bionic #prosthetics

Cyborg Profile: Jason Barnes

Cyborg Profile: Jason Barnes

Jason Alexander Barnes (CYBRNETX) is a 28 year old Drummer/Producer and collaborator at Georgia Tech center for music technology in Atlanta, Georgia.This aspiring producer’s main goal is creating great experiences while spreading awareness about transhumanism and future technologies. His work at Georgia Tech involves AI, machine learning, musical robots, and advanced prosthetics.

#RussFoxx #JasonBarnes #Bdyhax #bdyhax2018 #bodyhackingcon #transhumanism #transhuman #cyborg #bodyhacking #technology #tech #jointhefuture #bodyhack #futurism #biohacking #biotechnology #bionic #AI #Drummer #Producer #GeorgiaTech #machinelearning #musicalrobots #prosthetics

Cyborg Profile: Vincent Cunetto

Cyborg Profile: Vincent Cunetto

Vincent’s background is in electronics and chemistry and is currently working as a control systems engineer for equipment in the semiconductor industry. In the biohacking community he’s developing methods for coating implants and experimenting with novel sensors/actuators.

#RussFoxx #VincentCunetto #Bdyhax #bdyhax2018 #bodyhackingcon #transhumanism #transhuman #cyborg #bodyhacking #technology #tech #jointhefuture #bodyhack #futurism #biohacking #biotechnology #semiconductor #sensors #actuators #implants #implantcoatings #engineer