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Author page: Russ Foxx

For Tai

Tatiana and I met in Calgary years ago during one of my guest visits at Human Kanvas Tattoo. We talked suspension, piercing and the body art industry in general. Little did we know that this would lead us into a solid friendship that would last for years to come.

I took on a mentor role for her whenever she needed my help or input. In 2015 she teamed up with me and was an integral part of me achieving my most recent Guinness World Record.

Time passed and she eventually decided that she wanted to move to Vancouver to continue her progression as a piercing artist.

I took Tai into my home to help her get on her feet in July of 2016. We spent a lot of time together that summer. She came to the first Whistler Suspension Camping Retreat with The RISE Suspension Crew and we all had a blast together sharing our experiences and an overall amazing weekend with one another. That was such an amazing mixup of people. I’ll never forget that weekend.

Soon after we returned to Vancouver from the Whistler retreat I helped move her into her own apartment in East Van and connected her with a job piercing at my old stomping ground The FALL Tattooing & Artist’s Gallery. Soon after that she began her journey into cosmetic tattooing and finding her comfortable place in this city. She bounced between a few different studios until she found herself happiness with my friends at West Coast Piercing in Surrey.

Tai was always very positive and wonderful to be around; even when faced with challenges. This really hurts and I’m going to miss her a lot.

I never did get to posting the photos from the retreat that year. I think now is a good time.

She took on a difficult suspension and made it look easy. I’m honoured to have been a part of it.

This is for you, Tai.

New Tech Implants!

New tech implants from Dangerous Things have arrived!

We now have in stock:

-flexNT NFC Tags

-flexDF RFID and NFC compliant transponders

-xBTi Temperature Sensing RFID Tags

These will compliment our existing stock of NFC & RFID transponders, magnetic vision implants, Firefly V2 & North Sense devices.

Email for bookings and inquiries!

#RussFoxx #dangerousthings #transhumanism #transhuman #cyborg #bodyhacking #technology #tech #jointhefuture #bodyhack #futurism #biohacking #biotechnology #bodyart #enhancement #hacker #nfc #rfid #flexnt #flexdf #implants #xbti #magneticvision #subdermal #implantabletech #northsense #fireflyv2 #firefly #future #transponders

Daiths, Daiths, Daiths!

I absolutely love doing daiths with these unique niobium pieces hand-made by my friend Alex​ the jewellery wizard!

I try to keep many different sizes and variations of these pieces in stock, so feel free to come have one fitted!

Come get shiny at Harbourside Tattoo​!

#RussFoxx #Vancouver #EastVan #VanCity #BritishColumbia #YVR #BodyModification #BodyArt #BodyModificationArtist #LegitBodyJewellery #LegitBodyJewelry #LegitBodyPiercings #BodyModifications #BodyMods #BodyPiercing #HarboursideTattoo #VancouverPiercing #VancouverPiercer #VancouverBodyModification #VancouverBodyModificationArtist #AlexCummins #anodized #niobium #daith #safepiercing

Simple, Yet Elegant

Here’s a septum piercing done with an 18k yellow gold circular barbell by Anatometal. Simple, yet elegant.

We’ve got what you need at Harbourside Tattoo & Co

#RussFoxx #Vancouver #EastVan #VanCity #BritishColumbia #YVR #BodyModification #BodyArt #BodyModificationArtist #LegitBodyJewellery #LegitBodyJewelry #LegitBodyPiercings #BodyModifications #BodyMods #Septum #BodyPiercing #HarboursideTattoo #VancouverPiercing #VancouverPiercer #VancouverBodyModification #VancouverBodyModificationArtist #Anatometal #18k #Gold #YellowGold